Denise Alexander-Pyle

Contact Information
Denise Alexander Pyle, LLC
2427 W. 500 South
Marion IN 46953
Work (765) 662-3008
Practice State
Traditional Client Representation and Litigation
Legal Organizations
American Bar Association, Family Law Section. State Bar of Michigan, Family Law Section. Oakland County Bar Association, Child Abuse and Neglect Council, Board of Trustees President, 2005-2008; Michigan Inter-Professional Assn. of Marriage, Divorce and Family, Board of Directors, Treasurer.
2007 Circle of Hope Award, Carehouse of Oakland county, MI.; Executive Director, Domestic Violence Prevention Treatment ord, 1991-1992; Executive Director, Governor's Task Force on Children's Justice, 1991-1992.
CLE Presentations
MI AAML Chapter 2009 Seminar, "Divorce in on an Economic Solution"; 2008, Trying a Divorce Case, "The Direct Examination"; State Bar of Michigan (FLS), 1998 - "Initial Client Interviews." Lecturer on various topics, including but not limited to CLE 2004. Video Conferencing: Communication Aid for Lawyers and Clients; ICLE 2000 Child Custody, Support and Parenting Time Update "Recent Law Developments" MI (FLS) - "Creative Strategies for Handling Matrimonial Cases" - 1995. Interviewing the Potential Client, 1998, 2004 AAML Mid Winter Seminar.
Author: MI State Bar Family Law Journal - Vol. 22, April 1995 - "Diplomacy in Domestic Relations." MI State Bar Family Law Journal Special Edition for Single Parents - Article on Procedures for Obtaining a Personal Protection Order (1998).